Corporate culture

Dynamics of Chengdu YouYue Enterprise

Shaping YouYue corporate culture:

I. Corporate culture formed by the interdependent relationship between the company and employees

1. The company and employees are interdependent

The emotional factors of YouYue employees to the company determine the stability of the company's workforce. A company with an unstable workforce cannot form a fixed corporate culture, and a good company can attract those excellent employees with its own unique corporate culture. Stay long. For organizations still in the process of pioneering, it is even more necessary for the company's leadership to continuously guide employees to set goals and to form an attractive corporate culture in the process.

2. Institutional constraints

Enterprises without rules and regulations will be scattered. No rules, no standards. For developing companies, it is necessary to improve various management systems to regulate the behavior of employees, so that the organization can run smoothly. With a good management system, relying on employees to comply with the implementation, otherwise it is just talking on paper and the system cannot play its due role.

3. Belief and culture

The growth process of a YouYue enterprise goes through three stages: (1) the pioneering stage; (2) the development stage; and (3) the stabilization stage.

The first stage is the stage of the accumulation of primitive capital, and the organization of the enterprise reflects the spirit of hard work and dedication;

In the second stage, with the expansion of the size of YouYue companies and the expansion of organizations, what is needed is industrial profits and the stability of employees. The characteristics, brand, and concept of starting a company are particularly important. Employees need to understand what the corporate culture is. Whether the corporate culture is suitable for you;

In the third stage, with a mature industry and an increasing workforce with the expansion of the industry, people coming together at different levels, different qualities and in different environments, the cohesion of the enterprise enables the enterprise to formulate a corporate culture Guidelines. Enterprise culture is a thing that implements the life cycle of an enterprise. It may not be taken seriously at the beginning of the establishment of the enterprise, but when the enterprise matures to a certain period, it will become a powerful supporting force.

Second, the foundation of corporate culture

1. Leaders should establish the principle of setting an example. The company's leadership is an advocate of corporate culture. First of all, the company's interests must be higher than personal interests; secondly, the interests of employees must take precedence over their own interests; and thirdly, the greatest dedication must be given.

2. Have a good cultural communication and training mechanism. Make the enterprise's system and code of conduct go deep to the grassroots level, cultivate good habits of employees, and always ask themselves according to the code, so that the company has a group of cadres with a spirit of shared hardship and a group of dedicated staff. The transmission of corporate culture depends on the accumulated publicity of the cadre team, the joint efforts of managers at all levels, and the instillation of ideas into the employees through different forms. To form a uniform code of conduct within the company, training is very important.

3, corporate culture must have its own characteristics. With the development of the enterprise, adjust the cultural concept of the enterprise, make it suitable for the enterprise, and enable the organization to have strong cohesion to support its business development needs. The corporate culture is not static. It is necessary to emphasize "advancing with the times" and to reflect the characteristics of corporate development in a certain period of time. At the same time, corporate strategies, brand concepts, etc. must also change with cultural changes.

4. The core concept of corporate culture.

The core concept is a value recognized by everyone from senior management to employees. It is the vision of an enterprise. It has four characteristics:

First, it can act as a coagulant;

Second, it has a criterion of right and wrong, reflecting common values;

Third, the employees selected and trained under its role must be able to see the company's vision and have a passion for the company;

Fourth, for a company that is an industry, it can reflect the value of the brand.

5. Excellent corporate culture is the guarantee for the growth and development of an enterprise.

First, an excellent corporate culture exists objectively, which regulates employee behavior both in and outside the system;

Second, the excellent corporate culture relies on inheritance and uninterrupted publicity to implement and inspire employees to move forward;

Third, excellent corporate culture is an important and effective guarantee for the implementation of corporate strategy;

Fourth, excellent corporate culture construction can continue to develop with the development of the enterprise and keep pace with the times.

6.Looking at the common points of companies that have established a century-old foundation

First, the interests of the company are consistent with the general interests of society;

Second, it has a sectarian culture;

Third, have a set of operating tools that match the corporate culture.

7. Corporate culture is a sign of a company's maturity. Without corporate culture, there will be a phenomenon in which the leadership seeks power for personal gain and gang-ups. Some employees will be left and right, psychologically unbalanced, depending on the leadership's behavior, and it is not relevant Hanging high, eating kickbacks, fake public welfare, and even trying your own body to ruin your great future.

Third, YouYue corporate culture

1. Definition of corporate culture: It is the sum of all employees' behavior habits, and it is a kind of corporate spiritual concept. Shaping a good corporate culture is shaping good employee behaviors and spiritual and cultural realms.

2, the company's purpose: to create a truly YouYue brand and the image of the more pure company.

3. The company's slogan: increase efficiency, seek development, seek innovation, grasp management, avoid risks, and give dedication.

4. The company's development strategy: develop the laboratory industry as the main business direction; vigorously support the medical industry; rely on trade to grow bigger and stronger, and establish the image of the technology industry of listed companies.

5. The company's core philosophy: pursuit, excellence, integrity and service.

6. The company's core values: YouYue enterprises continue to innovate and build the only brand in the Chinese industry. The YouYue development goal eventually moves to listed companies, and at the same time, YouYue employees must have a better life.

6, the company's incentive criteria: the cadre team can go up and down, providing a broad space for professionals. People-oriented, fully respect the value of people, and achieve "love as life", "people do their best" and "use their best". Strict evaluation of the results of implementation and outstanding reward mechanisms for outstanding talents.

7, the company's leadership code of conduct: lead by example, open-minded, united and self-discipline.

8. Forbidden zone for company employees: Regardless of their position, once found, they will be resolutely removed. Anyone who violates the law shall be referred to the judicial organs.

(1) Violate the principle of good faith and use fraud, deceit, or misleading methods within the company or to the public and partners in order to achieve personal goals.

(2) Seeking personal self-interest, putting personal interests above the interests of the company. Use power for personal gain, such as: rebates, benefits, false or high invoice reimbursement.

(3) gang formation, corporate politics and internal struggles.

(4) Beyond your own authority and abuse of authority.

(5) Serious and repeated violations of the company's rules and regulations, destroying the company's image.